The science of identifying and classifying grapevines according to their physical properties, such as the… Continue reading
The science of identifying and classifying grapevines according to their physical properties, such as the… Continue reading
The noun “clone” refers to plants of the same species that have identical physical characteristics.… Continue reading
País (pie EECE) is the historic grape behind Chile’s table wines. Originally known as criolla… Continue reading
Trockenbeerenauslese (TRAWK-en-bear-en-OWSS-lay-zeh) wines, or TBAs, are generally made only a few times a decade, and… Continue reading
Offensive-smelling compounds that result from poor winemaking when hydrogen sulfide combines with components in the… Continue reading
A gelatinous material, obtained from—get ready—the air bladders of sturgeon and other fish. Isinglass is… Continue reading
When a wine pro describes a wine as “earthy,” the characterization can mean several different… Continue reading
The British often call red Bordeaux claret. The word comes from the French clairet, which… Continue reading
“Stickies” are the affectionate name Australians give to their sweet wines. Though sticklers (so to… Continue reading
A Spanish term, literally, “tears.” Lágrima (la-GREE-ma) also refers to a wine made from free-run… Continue reading
Chiaretto (key-are-ET-oh) is an Italian wine term signifying a very light red or even a… Continue reading
More correctly known by their long name methoxypyrazines, pyrazines are the compounds in grapes that… Continue reading