Wine is earth’s answer to the sun — Margaret Fuller
Nothing makes the future look so rosy as to contemplate it through a glass of Chambertin — Napoleon Bonaparte
Wine is so special because it is mankind’s one source of comfort and courage… — Hugh Johnson
“Wine is so special because it is mankind’s one source of comfort and courage, his only medicine and antiseptic, his one resource to renew his tired spirits and lift him above his weary saddened self… Continue reading
One day her mother said to her, ‘Come, Little Red Riding Hood… — “Rotkäpchen”
“One day her mother said to her, ‘Come, Little Red Riding Hood, here is a piece of cake and a bottle of wine. Take them to your grandmother, she is ill and weak, and they… Continue reading
I defy you to go down to San Francisco and find anyone today who wants to get hot and sticky… — Ren Harris
A raisin tastes like a raisin — Randy Dunn
As surprising as it may seem, wines are like fabrics… — Pierre Poupon
“As surprising as it may seem, wines are like fabrics with multiple and diverse physical aspects that may be pleasant or horrifying. There are smooth wines and rough wines, supple wines and stiff wines, harsh… Continue reading